1. This woman who’s great at clapping back

2. And this damn clever cross-stitcher

3. This wonderfully kind woman

4. This makeup vlogger who is happy to be brutally honest


5. This grandma, who would be great to go on holiday with

6. This true icon

7. And this woman with her excellent sign

8. This woman who you’d get a McDonald’s with after a night out

9. This best friend who goes above and beyond

10. This master of puns

11. These girls who made a new friend

12. This innovative mum

13. This woman who stared down a far-right protester like it was no big deal

14. This woman with her game-changing idea

15. This woman who knows how to come out in style

16. And this woman who doesn’t want young girls to put up with shit

17. This girl who had a great response after being told to change her shirt

18. This Facebook commenter, who has the purest of compliments

19. This woman who’s pretty damn upfront.