How Many Photos Are There in the World?
There are about 12.4 trillion photos in the world.
This Is How Many European Babies Are Conceived On IKEA Beds
1 in 10 European babies is conceived in an IKEA bed.
Why Do You Walk Waving Your Arms?
If you don't really wave your arms, it takes a lot of effort to walk.
Is There a Mushroom That Tastes Like Chicken?
There's a mushroom called Laetiporus that grows in the wild throughout much of the world and tastes like chicken.
Coffee Isn’t World’s 2nd-Most Traded Commodity
But it is the second most important commercial product that is exported by developing countries.
What Events Happened on February 10 in History?
This day had a lot of past war events that changed the course of history.
Hitler’s Anti-Smoking Campaign
Hitler led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history.
10 Posts That Will Make You Say, “Sometimes The Internet Can Be Good”
It's a weird and magical place.
16 Things Teens Do In Movies That Literally Make No Sense
How come teenagers in movies never have any homework?
20 Hilarious Moments When Dogs Realized They Were Going To The Vet Instead Of The Park
My dog totally knows when we're going to the vet!
People Share The Amazing Thing Strangers Have Done For Them
They're truly amazing, as far as I am concerned, and so can you!
22 Funny Tweets About Trying To Make It Through The Cold, Dark Winter
Bears just sleep throughout the entire winter and I can’t think of anything more logical in the entire universe.
What Was The Strangest Thing You Found Cleaning Out Your Parents’ House After They Died?
A man cleaning out his mother’s house after she passed in North Canton, OH, found a foot locker with baby human skeletal remains in it.