#1 This poster that knew exactly what it was doing by putting that black box there

TheOutbreak / Via reddit.com

#2 This flyer that had about .02% effort put into it

turtlepain / Via reddit.com

#3 This “welcome to your new dorm” poster that feels a little ominous

jel_vox / Via reddit.com

#4 This poster that didn’t need to scatter the words like this

RyanizBigBrain / Via reddit.com

#5 This poster that requires four doctorates to read

It says, “Be an engaged bystander.”
HackySackGod / Via reddit.com

#6 This poster that tried to look cute and artsy

It says, “We respect different faiths and beliefs.”
Archieman000 / Via reddit.com

#7 This maze that has no entrance, which is weirdly metaphorical

oldestkidinschool / Via reddit.com

#8 This poster that doesn’t care about your drug-free lifestyle

Spoiler, it looks like it says, “LSD.”
uzi_macaroni / Via reddit.com

#9 This post that was probably inspired by the list I’m currently writing

ExplosivePotatos / Via reddit.com

#10 This poster/sign that took some creative freedom

0ystersauc3 / Via reddit.com

#11 This talent show poster that I’m not even going to bother interpreting

ihavesexwithmyself / Via reddit.com

#12 This poster that not only gives bad advice, but dishes it out weirdly

TrueSystemLord / Via reddit.com

#13 This poster that should teach its own graphic design class

foreversole / Via reddit.com

#14 This poster that should teach us all to stop writing vertically

BigHomie50 / Via reddit.com

#15 This poster that was supposed to advertise a Tim Easton and Cary Hudson show, but in the worst way possible

TheRealBlueMelon / Via reddit.com

#16 This poster that took a different approach

rjlm_666 / Via reddit.com

And finally, this poster that’s honestly stressing me out

It says, “Destress Fest,” which like, ironic.
ItzFish / Via reddit.com

More info:r/crappydesign and r/mildlyinfuriating, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: ExplosivePotatos / reddit.com