Human fetuses grow a type of hair inside the womb and they consume it.

Human fetuses grow a type of hair inside the womb and they consume it.

Around the period 14 or 15 weeks into your pregnancy, your baby tiny hair begin to poke through their skin slightly.

When the baby gets to this period, the baby is about to get their hairline soonest.

Baby hair growth on the womb happens in two steps — the shedding stage and the regrowth stage.

All hair follicles are formed before the birth of the baby. Around the time your pregnancy is in week 22, the baby eyelashes and eyebrows would start to emerge.

The baby’s hair growth not restricted to their head alone. By week 14, the baby is covered entirely by a soft material called lanugo.

The purpose of the lanugo is to keep the baby warm. However, as the baby grows more body fat, the lanugo begins to shed because the body fat will take over the job of keeping the baby warm.

Lanugo is a natural part of fetal development, and it’s perfectly normal if your baby is born with this soft body hair.
