Hello, modern people of the 21st century! Do you ever think about the everyday things that seem normal to us, but which must have seemed REALLY weird the first time someone did them?


Because these 27 firsts from history must have been absolutely wild:

So, who was the first person to see an egg come out of a chicken’s a*s and say, “I’m gonna eat that.”
itsWillyFerrell / Via twitter.com

No way the first person to try hang-gliding survived.
RearAdBsBlog / Via twitter.com


ForeverRob97 / Via twitter.com

The first person to see a sunset was probably like well this ain’t good.
online_shawn / Via twitter.com

The first person to ever hear a Parrot speak was probably not ok for several days.
ShelleBelle0116 / Via twitter.com

First person to try ventriloquism: hey everyone, check this out:
his friends, family, and loved ones: ah! Yes. this is very normal and well adjusted. we will not question this at all
DxGGEAUX / Via twitter.com

The first guy to eat cottage cheese must of had a hard time convincing others they can eat cottage cheese
johnistoasted / Via twitter.com

Who was the first persom to eat a potoato. who looked at it adn thougt “im gona eat this weird rock”
jonnysun / Via twitter.com

Ever wonder who the first person was to think, ‘Hey I’m gonna hop on that 1500lb Bull, Wanna time how long I last before it tries to kills me?’
Jchawes / Via twitter.com

[first person to ever have their stomach growl]
what the actual fu*k
FeelingEuphoric / Via twitter.com

First woman that gave birth to twins was prolly like “????????”
BarkyBoogz / Via twitter.com

Imagine the balls it took to be the first person to use a hanky. To just stand before God and a room full of people and just calmly fold up and put a piece of cloth you just blew snot into back into your pocket for later.
UweBollocks / Via twitter.com


lil__blizzard / Via twitter.com

Can you imagine being the first person to try caviar. just tear open a fish and eat whatever the fu*k freaky beads fall out of it
Lubchansky / Via twitter.com


mtlife101 / Via twitter.com


StevStiffler / Via twitter.com

The first person to taste ‘chocolate’ must have been very trusting
Roisinconaty / Via twitter.com

Sometimes I zone out for hours, wondering who the first person to ever shave was and what made them do that.
IncredibleCulk / Via twitter.com

As much as I love maple syrup I can’t help but wonder who the first person was to see a tree oozing fluid and think…..”I bet that sh*t would taste great on pancakes.”
Grommit56 / Via twitter.com

The first person to make popcorn must have been seriously freaking out.
TheWeirdWorld / Via twitter.com

The first person to ever combine cheese and pickle went unrecognised. No MBE, nothing. I find this saddening.
cluedont / Via twitter.com

The first person to walk into the battlefield with a full suit of armour must have scared the sh*t out of their enemies.
TheWeirdWorld / Via twitter.com

The first person to ever eat a lobster must’ve been pretty hungry.
aaronpauley / Via twitter.com

The first person to use “i know what you are but what am i” must’ve sent the other person to the shadow realm
howwemovin / Via twitter.com

Wonder if the First Person to ever make butter was trying to just make whipped cream but they were super pi*sed about an argument they lost & started replaying the fight in their head, thinking they should’ve said this and oh that would have shown them & oh damn its solid now…
Sayhop / Via twitter.com

Sometimes I think about the first guy who ever figured out what garlic was good for. People must have thought he was god.
robinson_spider / Via twitter.com

Imagine how terrified the first person who ever saw a whale was.
TheWeirdWorld / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: CBS, online_shawn / twitter.com