#1 This person who needs better judgement:

bazmox / Via reddit.com

#2 This person who, well, I’m not even gonna say it:

WestMidsFire / Via twitter.com

#3 This person who killed a poor boiled egg and in turn created a galaxy:

raspberrypieboi18 / Via reddit.com

#4 This person who invented a whole new design:

NotKay / Via reddit.com

#5 This person who forgot to take the lid off their Tupperware:

lyzabth / Via reddit.com

#6 This person who performed a disappearing cup trick:

XordYourHostTonight / Via reddit.com

#7 This person who created a literal bomb:

italisighs / Via twitter.com

#8 This person who recreated The Shining:

AmeliaHypixel / Via twitter.com

#9 This person who learned that a minute makes a difference:

rileynebush / Via twitter.com

#10 This person who created a lightning storm:

ItsEclihpse / Via twitter.com

#11 This person who just watched the flames take over:

emily_maclennan / Via twitter.com

#12 This kid who decided to microwave some markers, for some reason:

robmx / Via reddit.com

#13 This person who took Harry Styles hostage:

goIdenhourharry / Via twitter.com

#14 This person who nearly became a Whole Foods arsonist:

DAVlDXFERNANDEZ / Via twitter.com

#15 And this person who went all the way:

kaitlynnjeann / Via twitter.com

#16 This kid who learned a valuable lesson that day:

jhamaivu / Via twitter.com

And finally, this person who was a little too curious about what a highlighter would do in the microwave:

Jenjen118 / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: WestMidsFire / twitter.com, XordYourHostTonight / reddit.com