#1 This dad who found a non-back-breaking way to give his kid a boost on the tricycle.

karldrake909 / Via instagram.com

#2 When your kids only like cheese pizza and all you have is pepperoni in the freezer.

fitzgma / Via instagram.com

#3 This dad improvised with a pen cap.

loueatsfood / Via instagram.com

#4 So funny, Good idea.

according_to_daddy / Via instagram.com

#5 This dad who got a nap by challenging his kids to draw him sleeping.

iamrickyantonio / Via instagram.com

#6 This dad who realized toddler shoes make excellent drink holders.

jonesyt88 / Via instagram.com

#7 “Dad, I don’t like the noodles” “Why not, put your chicken in there. Tiny taco!”

ohsh*titspete / Via instagram.com

#8 My toddler Loves peas… But I can never get her to eat her potato.

kealharry / Via instagram.com

#9 This dad who tethered the family remotes to the coffee table so they wouldn’t get lost.

man_orb / Via instagram.com

#10 This dad who kept his kids busy for hours with this clever “don’t upend the egg!” obstacle course.

realroyschwartz / Via instagram.com

#11 This dad who figured out how to make his sick kiddo excited about drinking Pedialyte.

camstraddad / Via instagram.com

#12 This dad who was out of Band-Aids, so he used a diaper in a pinch.

cirving616 / Via instagram.com

#13 This dad who found a way to quickly cool his kiddo’s food in the car.

_mamaneedsmorecoffee / Via instagram.com

#14 This dad who found the ultimate way to stop people from stealing his coffee creamer at work.

adambeebz / Via instagram.com

#15 This dad who didn’t trust his kids to play with real money, so he created “daddy dollars.”

robgoldn / Via instagram.com

#16 This dad who found a way to make his kid’s noisy toys just a tad less noisy.

crazyshtick / Via instagram.com

Preview photo credit: kealharry / instagram.com