#1 This kid, who used a straw to “lock” the snack cabinet to keep their mom from indulging:

fitgirl_inprogress0809 / Via instagram.com

#2 This kid, who pulled an evil, evil prank on their mom:

kimrush11 / Via instagram.com

#3 This kid, who feels some type of way about the cat:

romesmyhome / Via instagram.com

#4 This kid, who wants to fall far from the tree:

JimGaffigan / Via twitter.com

#5 This kid, who made this feel-good fortune teller:

crazyd718 / Via instagram.com

#6 This kid, who knows their mom hates the word “moist:”

fullerfab29 / Via instagram.com

#7 This kid, who drew a portrait of his father, flatulence and all:

rockhound2k2 / Via instagram.com

#8 And this kid, whose portrait of dad included him digging in his nose and scratching his, er, “equipment:”

swmartin85 / Via instagram.com

#9 This kid, who stuck a Lego head in their mom’s lipstick:

ginaharper1 / Via instagram.com

#10 This kid, who’s not saying you’re not beautiful or anything:

Geekstress11 / Via twitter.com

#11 This kid, who answered honestly:

carmenmcdowell / Via instagram.com

#12 This kid, who put their dad on blast:

kiyoshithekidd / Via instagram.com

#13 And this kid, who put their mom on blast:

sikadenuraverag / Via instagram.com

#14 This kid, who prefers takeout:

LurkAtHomeMom / Via twitter.com

#15 And this kid, who knows how to give gifts that express exactly how they feel:

thedailydad / Via instagram.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: fitgirl_inprogress0809 / instagram.com, crazyd718 / instagram.com