#1 The Way My Wife Opens Things

theDaninDanger / Via reddit.com

#2 My wife hung a nice picture and a small shelf while I was on duty; now my eye is twitching…


#3 My Housemate still hasn’t got rid of his pumpkin from Halloween…

dwarvencactus / Via reddit.com

#4 I lost a loved one today. I’m not sure which one yet, but whoever cuts cheese cake like this is dead to me.

MrSquigles / Via reddit.com

#5 My roommates toothbrush..

Academic0625 / Via reddit.com

#6 Three-year-olds

madeyouangry / Via reddit.com

#7 My wife never finishes a bottle of shampoo or body wash before buying a new kind and leaving the old ones.

grdlock / Via reddit.com

#8 I’m starting a fight with my wife.

ComcastNeedsToDie / Via reddit.com

#9 Why I keep a secret tube of toothpaste from my wife and children.

ionchannels / Via reddit.com

#10 My roommate and I own only two pots. When he cooks with them, he stores any leftovers from his cooking in the fridge in the pots, instead of putting them in containers.

ihaverocketlegs / Via reddit.com

#11 What kind of person leaves this in the freezer…

thwacked / Via reddit.com

#12 My side of the room vs. my roommate’s side

MuseDrones / Via reddit.com

#13 “Flatmate made pasta, then left for a vacation.” (I sort of want to cuddle it.)

IronMew / Via reddit.com

#14 My wife likes to put her food and drinks on electronics.

princeofcorgis / Via reddit.com

#15 My flatmate isn’t the biggest fan of hygiene. This festive potato managed to grow in his cupboard.

TomTheTurtwig / Via reddit.com

#16 My Wife is a monster.

Willham89 / Via reddit.com

#17 Holiday with new boyfriend – he opens bread like this.

PrinceWilliamsnutsack / Via imgur.com

#18 My wife never fully screws the lids back onto anything…

EchoJXTV / Via reddit.com

#19 My wife leaves hair stuck to the shower wall

drunkonlacroix / Via reddit.com

Via BoredPanda, Preview photo credit: Willham89 / reddit.com, drunkonlacroix / reddit.com