#1 When they’re double clueless when drunk:

makeesomenoyes / Via twitter.com

#2 When guys think hand soap is face wash:

Coll3enG / Via twitter.com

#3 When this boyfriend forgot how periods work:

cULTMOTHER / Via twitter.com

#4 And tampons:

broganpaget / Via twitter.com

#5 When this guy didn’t know how to Kit-Kat:

byrdinator / Via twitter.com

#6 When this man was adorably confused by Twitter:

Juliaadarling_ / Via twitter.com

#7 When this dude misinterpreted the word “date”:

Anjalaaay / Via twitter.com

#8 And when this guy misunderstood the word “court”:

Carlton_IAm / Via twitter.com

#9 When he didn’t get the reference:

marianna182 / Via twitter.com

#10 Or the language:

mayrasendejo_ / Via twitter.com

#11 Or the course:

Jaidachan / Via twitter.com

#12 This guy accidentally sent this pic of his girlfriend with ropes above her head to his mom

WhiteKidCanJump / Via twitter.com

#13 And this boyfriend thought kale was flowers:

JayJailyn / Via twitter.com

#14 This dude was clueless about tampons:

mariamcdustrell / Via twitter.com, me.me

#15 When they don’t even know the basic pride flag:

JReinbooty / Via twitter.com

#16 And last but not least, these guys drank olive oil, thinking it was olive oil:

KaaayJaaay_ / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: broganpaget / twitter.com