#1 This boy who knows the value of his smile

AdityaMoon / Via reddit.com

#2 This loving father who pays attention to the little things

MohamedHwedi / Via reddit.com

#3 This dog-dad who was excited to see wife and this dog who was excited to see mommy

SunnyDopamine / Via reddit.com

#4 Florida’s newest resident, Tipper B.

Master_Of_Puppers / Via reddit.com

#5 This dad who made a new friend in Peru

attackedbydinosaurs / Via reddit.com

#6 This woman who gets to meet this very good boy each new day

mayaxs / Via reddit.com

#7 These besties who finally got to meet IRL

Johnnycageisgr8 / Via reddit.com

#8 Cameron

SLOTH_POTATO_PIRATE / Via reddit.com

#9 This father who has been waiting years for this moment

Rockcrash / Via reddit.com

#10 This happy couple

somalicat / Via reddit.com

#11 This very good boy (and his dog)

mjmesco / Via reddit.com

#12 These busy counselors:

Gorgon_the_Dragon / Via reddit.com

#13 This dad who wants to make sure his kid grows up to be an art lover

Seandonjuan / Via reddit.com

#14 This loving widower

girlpearl / Via reddit.com

#15 Comedian Josh Johnson

sari13371 / Via reddit.com

#16 These drinking buddies

ailinggrandpa / Via reddit.com

#17 This sushi chef with a flair for portraits and making new friends

rageholy / Via reddit.com

#18 This adorable doting husband

hootersbutwithcats / Via reddit.com

#19 John and Schoep, two best friends for life

shygurrrl / Via reddit.com

#20 This new friend with serious baking skills

Swiddly / Via reddit.com

#21 This kid who wants to share his interests instead of acting as a gatekeeper

Lukebekz / Via reddit.com

#22 The entire staff of Powhatan High

Sumit316 / Via reddit.com

#23 These strangers just trying to brighten the world

SAHARA101 / Via reddit.com

#24 This woman’s Oscar-nominated friends

Narcotle / Via reddit.com

#25 These sweet birthday boys

ChickenKiez / Via reddit.com

#26 This literal angel, spreading joy wherever she goes

Juliusx / Via reddit.com

#27 Chicken Nugget’s dutiful midwife

SixSpice / Via reddit.com

#28 This new uncle

Iris_Elisabeth_ / Via twitter.com

#29 Super-reviewer Norel Pride

PleaseSaveTheWhales / Via reddit.com

#30 And of course, this extremely cool dad

IComeBaringGifs / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Juliusx / reddit.com