1. Easy solution, get the room temperature below freezing

XyloPiano / Via reddit.com

2. A little bit damaged

DaWeyHowBoutDah / Via reddit.com

3. Hey, at least Your hat isn’t soup-dyed


4. In fact, it was a bad idea.

Pirate_Redbeard / Via reddit.com

5. Star Wars disappointment

KevlarYarmulke / Via reddit.com

6. “This is a nice place to take a pic”…

Heba_1123 / Via twitter.com

7. I don’t think my pharmacist likes me

cjcheesecake / Via twitter.com

8. Hey, at least you didn’t miss out on these pamphlets

RiffRaff1971 / Via twitter.com

9. Hey, at least you didn’t accidentally participate in cutting board show and tell day

abbydermody / Via twitter.com

10. At least you didn’t publicly announce your flatulence


11. That was not supposed to happen…

Mikesam201 / Via reddit.com

12. Just remember: you didn’t call your professor this name

Hendyhendel / Via twitter.com


LEJ88 / Via twitter.com

14. Look at the bright side: a whole bunch of children aren’t making fun of you trying to live your best life

autumnsays_ / Via twitter.com

15. Hey, if none of that makes you feel better just be happy you’re autocorrect didn’t double cross you like this


Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: cjcheesecake / twitter