#1 This cutie got smooshed!

Olivanders1989 / Via reddit.com

#2 This smol bean was loved and protected:

rmsdisplacement / Via reddit.com

#3 Run, Ginger, RUN!

Serg121212 / Via reddit.com

#4 This one was a purrfect circle:

OurSocialStatus / Via reddit.com

#5 This strange little kitty stopped by to say “hello”:

#6 My Favorite Cat Picture I’ve Ever Taken. I Call It “Catouflage”.

ratatat213 / Via reddit.com

#7 This one was super, super sneaky!!!

#8 This baby found a comfy spot to rest:

hearbenji / Via reddit.com

#9 This floof went WILD:

#10 These backpacking kitties went on a lil’ journey:

AndAnotherOne1982 / Via reddit.com

#11 This bb just needed a lil’ help!

#12 This one wasn’t very impressed with dinner!!!

#13 These sweeties got very cuddly:

#14 These kitties were NOT getting into this Christmas tree:

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Olivanders1989 / reddit.com, OurSocialStatus / reddit.com