#1 My wife asked me which color I liked the most.

Adjes / Via pikabu.ru

#2 My girlfriend turned 30, so…..

CarpenterRadio / Via reddit.com

#3 I left my ring at home and asked my fiance to put it in a safe place for me

boxofkitten / Via imgur.com

#4 I found out that our Volkswagen fits in the den. Will see what the wife thinks when she gets home.

TomTheTerrific / Via reddit.com

#5 I think my wife is trying to tell me something.

crazedmofo / Via reddit.com

#6 Caught my girlfriend doing her makeup this morning.

Swedishkangaroo / Via reddit.com

#7 Target Husband is in danger.

ninnuh / Via reddit.com

#8 We wonder what his wife thinks about this T-shirt.

kenehkz / Via reddit.com

#9 Wife said “lets renovate the bathroom, we both need more shelf space.”

notnexus / Via reddit.com

#10 My wife wasn’t sure what to spend our 1900 Dave and Busters tickets on. I made an executive decision.

narcolepsyinc / Via reddit.com

#11 My daughter finally realised we don’t take her to Paris every weekend.

CaptainPerhaps / Via reddit.com

#12 My husband told me that he bought me a diamond necklace.

Breakingbay / Via reddit.com

#13 Consider it done.

avalonbowser / Via reddit.com

#14 Had minor surgery today. My husband didn’t want to take any chances so he wrote instructions on my arms and legs.

a2susan / Via reddit.com

#15 My girlfriend said if I could find uglier footwear, she would stop poking fun at my crocs.

TrentWatts / Via reddit.com

Via BrightSide, Preview photo credit: Adjes / pikabu.ru