1. When you just want a little attention

sandy_manzy / Via twitter.com

2. When the munchies creep up on you

thefatdinosaur / Via imgur.com

3. When you become Snow White

kuffwin / Via instagram.com

4. When you ask the real questions

simoncholland / Via twitter.com

5. When you love everything about your partner

I love you for your heart and personality, but that dick sure is a bonus.
DontWorryBoutB / Via twitter.com

6. When you fix a mean meal

klfavors / Via instagram.com

7. When you just want some clarification

jiminykirk / Via twitter.com

8. When you let ‘em know that they can’t have it all

imteddybless / Via twitter.com

9. When you leave your mark on the coffee machine

xspacemonkey85x / Via reddit.com

10. When you’ve got jokes

ibid78 / Via twitter.com

11. When the buzz brings out your best self

cxcope / Via twitter.com

12. When you’re lookin’ for a bit of drama

sparklyhippiesoul / Via instagram.com

13. When the tears can’t stop flowing

TechnicallyRon / Via imgur.com

14. When you rope others into your schemes

L_Stovee / Via twitter.com

15. When you nudge your S.O. in the right direction

bmwhd / Via reddit.com

16. When you want to get away from the world

fourzerotwo / Via twitter.com

17. When you resort to the same arguments

_sangsss_ / Via twitter.com

18. When you spice up the relationship

chef_lashawna / Via instagram.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: bmwhd / reddit