1. Red meat
2006 study published in Chemical Senses, red meat is harder to digest, it leaves behind residue in the digestive tract that eventually mingles with bacteria, and then is released in your sweat.

2. Alcohol
When you consume alcohol, most of it is metabolized by the liver into acetic acid. However, a bit of that alcohol is released through your sweat and your breath. This smell is worse the more you drink, so if you don’t want that distinctive stale bar smell, limit your imbibing.

3. Fish
As most of us know, fish is seriously great for your health and contains glorious amounts of omega-3s, aka the “good” fat. The downside? A 2007 report found that people with an unpleasant body odor tested positive for an inability to break down the food-derived compound (trimethylamine). Folks with this metabolic disorder—called trimethylaminuria—will develop a fishy odor when they eat fish and other high-protein foods.

4. Cruciferous vegetables
Despite their health benefits, vegetables that are in the Brassicafamily—cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, for example—contain high levels of sulfur. This chemical has a naturally unappealing smell that can worsen your odor. The pungent aroma will escape through your breath, sweat, and, yep, gas. This doesn’t mean you should snub these veggies altogether; boiling them removes most of the stench. You can also add spices like coriander, turmeric, and caraway to level out the sulfuric scent.

5. Asparagus
Asparagus is mostly known for making urine smell terrible. Often compared to boiled cabbage, this scent is the result of your body breaking down the sulfuric compound, mercaptan, which can cause your body odor to suffer as well.

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6. Curry and cumin
Strong spices such as curry and cumin can wreak havoc on your body’s natural odor. This advice rings even truer for pregnant moms; a prenatal diet that regularly includes spices like curry and cumin could possibly affect a newborn’s body odor. Instead, try cardamom, an aromatic seed from the ginger family that leaves behind a much more pleasant aroma.

7. Coffee
The diuretic nature of coffee dries out the mouth, which harbors the growth of bacteria and creates an universally unpleasant smell. It can extend to your body odor as well. Stimulants like coffee increase the activity of apocrine sweat glands.

8. Garlic
It’s safe to say that you don’t have to be an expert nutritionist to know that garlic stinks. This stench can be chalked up to allicin, another sulfuric compound that is released when garlic is cut or crushed. After consumption, it quickly breaks down in the body and converts to other odiferous substances that mingle with bacteria and seep out in your sweat. However, some recent studies have actually indicated that this smell may be construed as sexy by some.

Article have been lightly edited for length/clarity.

Via Business Insider