#1 Ugh, Fall was such a good show.

JamietheDragonSlayer / Via reddit.com

#2 Your FAKE NEWS.

OSUBonanza / Via reddit.com

#3 Faster planes, slower brains.

Bendon32 / Via reddit.com

#4 Children’s cartoons.

bootscallahan / Via reddit.com

#5 Almost doesn’t sound real…

Grandpire / Via reddit.com

#6 Realistic video games.

hybridmao / Via reddit.com

#7 Water via bluetooth.

bmartin1989 / Via reddit.com

#8 Sad :(

jeanie27 / Via reddit.com

#9 Did YOU read the whole article?

dalduzza / Via reddit.com

#10 Friggin’ dumbocrats.

drippingpitch / Via reddit.com

#11 Blithering troglodyte.

TheHippoShenanigan / Via reddit.com

#12 Getting those views.

CompactDiscman / Via reddit.com


zkp10 / Via reddit.com

#14 If you can’t already tell the value of human life…

Tholan / Via reddit.com

#15 Internet shaming a 7 year old.

highlander311 / Via reddit.com

#16 This is why SeaWorld needs to go!

IndigoJack / Via reddit.com

#17 Someone call Taylor Swift’s employer.

MatCraftDK / Via reddit.com

#18 I enlarged the photo.

enigmaticbloke / Via reddit.com

#19 This really tough guy on Twitter.

Padunn816 / Via reddit.com

#20 This takes the cake.

DylanTheDonut / Via reddit.com

#21 Drop-Off Blood Bins

nygiants_10 / Via reddit.com

#22 The “flue.”

Chips_Handsome / Via reddit.com

#23 How amazing!

littlekidlover1235 / Via reddit.com

#24 Liberals will never sees to amaze me!

dynamiteTrickster / Via reddit.com

#25 This person who missed the joke about Scarlett Johansson’s role choices.

wphelps153 / Via reddit.com

More info: r/AteTheOnion, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: bmartin1989 / reddit