1. “TV’s First Interracial Kiss” Start Trek!

UnderCoverSquid / Via reddit.com

2. It’s so fluffy!!

tbagonu / Via instagram.com

3. My brother was sad his girlfriend couldn’t come to our Halloween party, so he came as both of them.

tictactowle / Via reddit.com

4. Edward Scissorhands and his Topiary Bush!

lucybri83 / Via reddit.com

5. My wife and I made Daft Punk Halloween costumes.

prshown / Via reddit.com

6. My girlfriend and I dressed up as John Lennon and Yoko Ono for Halloween this year. How’d we do?

SirLosh / Via reddit.com

7. If you don’t know what we are, “I’m too young for you, bro”

Kelsey Blong / Via facebook.com

8. Moth + Lamp forever

creaturecomforts / Via instagram.com

9. My friend’s Halloween costume as Yin and yang.

chickita / Via reddit.com

10. They won best couple for their costumes!

gothamsdarknight / Via reddit.com

11. My brother and his girlfriend nailed Halloween this year.

jackweard / Via reddit.com

12. My boyfriend has one hand. We get creative for Halloween.

belll3 / Via reddit.com

13. My friends’ Beetlejuice costumes are ridiculously good.

FithNick / Via reddit.com

14. My parents won the costume contest

Zacharyyyyy / Via reddit.com

15. My first Halloween without a husband, but I still have a good couples’ costume.

Tela99 / Via reddit.com

16. Our Couples Costume

dillwillhill / Via reddit.com

17. My first boyfriend and my first time celebrating Halloween with a significant other… we took advantage of our height difference. Also my favorite movie growing up!

tinybutt / Via reddit.com

18. So my boyfriend and I were Beauty and The Beast for Halloween

knittwisp / Via reddit.com

19. My friend tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus a week ago. She thought she wouldn’t be able to go out for Halloween. I told her if she dressed up as an old rich man, I’d dress up as her escort and wheel her around downtown all night. No regrets.

sawlostBBDamKing / Via reddit.com

20. This is what won my parents a couples costume contest.

Staticous / Via reddit.com

H/T BoredPanda, Preview photo credit: chickita / reddit, tictactowle / reddit