41. When I was little, I thought that you get endless money out of an ATM and got furious with my parents when they wouldn’t give me any @TommySailer

42. I was on the phone waiting to speak to a client. I farted loudly for about 5 seconds. Long story short, I did not mute my phone. @DitchYourDis

43. When I was younger, I genuinely believed that a hundred years ago everything was actually black-and-white, like the movies. @VictoriaGrace36

44. One time at Starbucks the lady called my name. She sounded so much like my mom that instead of saying “Thank You” I said “Sorry”. @kingedhill

45. once I jumped off my roof with an open umbrella thinking I would float down I fell and broke my arm @SimmondsWeed

46. I ordered a Rachel sandwich. The waiter hands it to me and says Rachel and I said no I’m Melissa. @Mafoltz

47. I’d <3 to say "one time" I stopped at a stop sign & waited for it to turn green, but let's be real..it's happened more than once. @JenniferLavall5

48. You know how the shower handle says H and C, Ive been showering in the cold this whole time cause It was actually in spanish @RSMfernandez

49. My husband told me once that the white around stop signs meant the stop was optional, I believed him. @aimeehuber918

50. I thought (way past a acceptable age) that chocolate milk came from brown cows. But for real way past @kdstirling

51. Happily took my violin downstairs and across the house to practice when my dad told me I sounded better from far away @accentvitality

52. As I am leaving a message to a home for the job I work for, instead of saying thank you and hanging up, I said amen. @Kourtneydye

53. It wasn’t until my 20′s that I found out Brussel sprouts were NOT the center of cabbages….and my grandfather was a farmer @WickedSara80

54. My cousin once told me that when you aren’t looking the Statue of Liberty would switch hands… Believed that for a LONG time… @TheFrattyPastor

55. Found the cutest salt and pepper shakers. It was a letter P & S, and I’m like aw Paul & Sandy, later realized it’s salt and pepper @sandehhh03

56. I used to think dinosaurs and cave men were around at the same time because of the Flintstones … @gl1tter_fairy

57. I once ran into a pole and said “I’m sorry, excuse me” @jaybrew13

58. I thought my parents named me after an actress named Andrea Towers. Find out it was the name of the apartment building we lived in. @baccalim

59. The other day I was on the phone looking for my phone @mandersroy

60. When I was a kid, I thought grapefruits were expired oranges because they are sour. Oops! @BandnaPal

61. The amount of times I try to use a turning signal switch while driving a golf cart is nuts @emDizzlerulez

62. I thought mayo jars had to be opened before storing, ’cause label says “Refrigerate after opening” @LaBabyBu

63. I used to think that trial size was about the amount you needed if you were on trial. @raygamekim

64. Up until I was 22, I thought “Pilates” was a type of cocktail. @OhScottieKnows

65. Once I was in line with a gallon of milk in each hand. My sagging pants fell to my ankles. I think its weirder I didnt move @TwitchHomie

66. When I was a kid I thought those Blind Road signs meant that someone down that road was blind @literati26

67. for way too many years, I thought Don Quixote was “Donkey Jote.” @alliejonezhair

68. When I was young I thought cars knew you wanted to go forward or backwards. Why no one should drive your car. @TrinaMcloone

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