1. Cat playing with a ball

WullieBlake / Via imgur.com

2. Guy looks exactly like the woman’s laptop sticker.

mrevanbc / Via reddit.com

3. My sister took this photo of our coffees just as the table got knocked.

skovsky_x / Via reddit.com

4. Cat sitting on a stool

i124nk8 / Via imgur.com

5. Melon has cloned himself, visiting a bar with him and 2 of his clones

Sevuhrow / Via reddit.com

6. This perfectly defined rainbow that show up on the wall every sunny day

biscuwit / Via reddit.com

7. This tree has no leaves except for the area lit by the streetlight.

Raging_Gamer14 / Via reddit.com

8. This picture of a crow is interesting because…it’s actually a cat

RobertMaguire_ / Via twitter.com

9. Nobody wanted a Sponge Bob shadow!

WesleyJuarez / Via twitter.com

10. The way the snow is resting on this handmade stone arch

ihasRyzen / Via reddit.com

11. This can of paint looks like a cat.

Sezer079 / Via reddit.com

12. The light opening in the building’s design fits perfectly with the car dimension

Gooner885 / Via reddit.com

13. Dat perfect angle

iHealYou / Via imgur.com

14. Hummingbird in the sun

SarahGoddess13 / Via reddit.com

15. This looks like an iPhone even though it’s just water in the bathtub.

narkote / Via tumblr.com

16. This car is not amused

Mouse1234567890 / Via reddit.com

Via Bright Side, Preview photo credit: RobertMaguire_ / Twitter, iHealYou / imgur