#1 This pregnant woman, who’ll eat what she wants when she wants

Sihpromatum / Via twitter.com

#2 This pregnant woman, who tried, she really tried

JessShaut / Via twitter.com

#3 This pregnant woman, who knows the meaning of “well-balanced”

FullMetalMommy / Via twitter.com

#4 This pregnant woman, who is the genius the world deserves

OzakiAmanda / Via twitter.com

#5 This pregnant woman, who did what she had to do

TheUnmaternal / Via twitter.com

#6 This pregnant woman, who needed choices

gatorginger / Via twitter.com

#7 This pregnant woman, who refused to make one

antoinetteA / Via twitter.com

#8 This pregnant woman, who thinks about the future

MotherPlaylist / Via twitter.com

#9 This pregnant woman, who always follows the doctor’s advice

NicoleKarkic / Via twitter.com

#10 This pregnant woman, who knows that when you gotta go, you gotta go

BlessedSpouse / Via twitter.com

#11 This pregnant woman, who dgaf if sharing means caring

_Mo_lee_ / Via twitter.com

#12 This pregnant woman, whose craving came on strong as hell

TheBubblelush / Via twitter.com

#13 This pregnant woman, who had to put in some extra work

NayxNay / Via twitter.com

#14 This pregnant woman, who has her priorities in order

FullMetalMommy / Via twitter.com

#15 This pregnant woman, who is pretty much every mommy-to-be at the grocery store, ever

babyrabies / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: gatorginger / twitter.com