#1 Whoever tried to spell Sacramento

FaxCelestis / Via reddit.com

#2 Whoever didn’t read these large letters

thx_CaptainObvious / Via reddit.com

#3 Whoever wrote these subtitles

-ksguy- / Via reddit.com

#4 This bookstore employee

parkinsonslaw / Via reddit.com

#5 The weather graphic is ready, boss!

HembraunAirginator / Via reddit.com

#6 Every delivery person

stickywill808 / Via reddit.com

#7 The genius who installed these solar panels.

alechko / Via reddit.com

#8 The genius who installed this air conditioner

Lones_ / Via reddit.com

#9 Next level fashion.

EkkoWan / Via reddit.com

#10 Whoever can’t spell addiction

mikerockitjones / Via reddit.com

#11 Whoever applied this security tag

Polymer15 / Via reddit.com

#12 The legend who painted OVER the gum

voluntariss / Via reddit.com

#13 Whoever painted this parking spot

lasseoh / Via reddit.com

#14 The engineer who installed this bathroom lock

randomuser9061 / Via reddit.com

#15 The artist who painted the Shutterstock watermark on the wall

aweSAMness_ / Via reddit.com

#16 Whoever thought duct tape really can fix anything

Goto10 / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Goto10 / Reddit