#1 This person who left a bad review on a fryer because their doctor gave them dietary restrictions.

honeyflaps / Via reddit.com

#2 This person who says their grandkid really liked the product, but also marked that they would not recommend it.

ObviouslyATurtle / Via reddit.com

#3 This person’s sweet grandma who meant well when she left a review on her granddaughter’s LinkedIn.

kilgoretrout69 / Via reddit.com

#4 This person who reviewed a hotel and couldn’t figure out how to stop reviewing.

metropolisapocalypse / Via reddit.com

#5 This person who had a serious typo in their review.

phat_phruit / Via reddit.com

#6 This guy who just left a photo of himself and the word “great” as his review of a toothbrush.

SirSoliloquy / Via reddit.com

#7 This person who left a scathing review of a prison.

ifthenthendont / Via reddit.com

#8 This person who gave a restaurant one-star and tried to cancel their GrubHub account within the review.

NotTheRightDrones / Via reddit.com

#9 This completely neutral, totally pointless one-star rating.

cupcakeadministrator / Via reddit.com

#10 This person who gave a book a lower rating because their friend permanently borrowed it.

walker1208 / Via reddit.com

#11 This person’s unexpectedly dark review.

El-mas-puto-de-todos / Via reddit.com

#12 This person who is supposed to be rating a double bed but is kind of just talking about how their day went.

d4ni3lg / Via reddit.com

#13 This person who gave a book one-star review that I’ll let you read for yourself.

enoua5 / Via reddit.com

#14 This person who left one-star and one word that’s not actually a word.

DecoratedBug / Via reddit.com

#15 This person who also left a review for a place they haven’t been AND DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT’S LOCATED.

hesitantbutwilling / Via reddit.com

#16 This person who left a review for a place they haven’t been.

Chairman5551 / Via reddit.com

And finally, this set of one-star reviews of a theme park that don’t make any sense.

White_Seth / Via reddit.com

More info: r/oldpeoplefacebook, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: phat_phruit / reddit.com