#1 Horsin’ around.

RyilSyer / Via imgur.com

#2 Choosing your own path.

stephenlloyd_dot_net / Via reddit.com

#3 Escaping into another world.

abacus123 / Via imgur.com

#4 Cracking jokes.

paigealban23 / Via twitter.com

#5 Being cute.

hyznbrg / Via imgur.com

#6 Embarrassing your loved ones.

humansofnewyork / Via facebook.com

#7 Feeling the need for speed.

Hcopp / Via reddit.com

#8 Memein’.


#9 Being delightful as heck.

BitterRaven / Via imgur.com

#10 Rolling deep with the crew.

AgoraApp / Via reddit.com

#11 Trying out a new look.

olaplex / Via instagram.com

#12 Sticking it to everyone.

inyouratmosphere / Via reddit.com

#13 Taking some time to goof off.

mikewh / Via imgur.com

#14 Going anywhere and everywhere.

Driftk / Via reddit.com

#15 Having things your way.

tonybiviano / Via reddit.com

#16 Delightful hijinks.

frzrd / Via reddit.com

#17 Living like you’re still in a dorm room.

#18 And, most importantly, loving.

LexiSetzer / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: dailyhaha.com