#1 This blue can of Coke.

savrox / Via reddit.com

#2 A grasshopper turned pink by a genetic mutation.

BreakfastBeerz / Via reddit.com

#3 This very real $1,000 bill.

firesprinklerman / Via reddit.com

#4 Rolls of bright orange toilet paper.

vaterisvet / Via reddit.com

#5 This Walmart that’s extraordinarily tiny by Walmart standards.

fluffytoast12 / Via reddit.com

#6 A McDonald’s with a turquoise logo instead of the traditional golden arches.

crockett1260 / Via instagram.com

#7 This Target that has a white bullseye instead of a red one.

PHATstuFF21 / Via reddit.com

#8 An equally strange McDonald’s that has a single golden arch.

joeltb / Via reddit.com

#9 This former Target-turned-Walmart that has giant yellow balls outside instead of the red we’ve grown used to seeing.

landofgay / Via reddit.com

#10 This carved watermelon that’s got summer AND fall vibes.

mekkle / Via reddit.com

#11 This deck of playing cards that has 1s instead of aces.

Hank_Valley / Via reddit.com

#12 These road cones that are lime green instead of orange.

WaterMagician / Via reddit.com

#13 This drive-thru Starbucks built inside an old car wash.

quiet_musings / Via reddit.com

#14 This pedestrian crossing sign that has way more detail than any street sign you’ve ever seen before.

JaysonthePirate / Via reddit.com

#15 This Starbucks inside an aquarium in Muscat.

Gaijinloco / Via reddit.com

#16 This traffic light installed in the ground for pedestrians who are looking down at their phones.

imayneverknow / Via reddit.com

#17 This Taco Bell that’s made of shipping containers.

Morktorknak / Via reddit.com

#18 A heart-shaped stoplight.

Football_Is_Cool_ / Via reddit.com

#19 These off-brand cereals that have the same box designs of popular cereals under different names.

SirLabRatz / Via reddit.com

#20 A colorful cob of corn.

Here4damemes / Via reddit.com

#21 A Subway logo that’s white and red instead of the green and yellow we’re used to.

JRiggles / Via reddit.com

#22 These colorless Skittles, so you can taste the rainbow even though you can’t see it.

UnpurePurist / Via reddit.com

#23 A lowercase stop sign.

Snowblind05 / Via reddit.com

#24 Or a stop sign that’s colored blue instead of red, and is telling you to smile.

carkhuff / Via reddit.com

#25 And finally, this wild, shiny chrome Maserati.

cpt_trax / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: savrox / reddit.com, BreakfastBeerz / reddit.com, crockett1260 / instagram.com