#1 This person changed her softball team’s name to “NO GAME SCHEDULED,” so opponents wouldn’t show up.

TheDreamGhoul / Via twitter.com

#2 This girl pretended she didn’t hit her sister’s car.

LMiliotto / Via twitter.com

#3 This girl did all of this for a bagel.

Faith_Turney / Via twitter.com

#4 This grandmother and her friend did this.

laa_ren / Via twitter.com

#5 This guy has been secretly playing “Between the Sheets” at church for years.

yalljust_myfans / Via twitter.com

#6 This guy flexed so hard and it was so obvious.

mariahjenae / Viatwitter .com

#7 This guy had a whole holiday routine of scheming.

argumentwinner / Via twitter.com

#8 This guy used copy and pasted beers to scam his friends to come hang with him.

R_jackPotter / Via twitter.com

#9 This guy pretended to be Ross from Friends after getting a text from a stranger.

3XyoureOut / Via reddit.com

#10 This girl and her friends were hilariously dishonest.

kaathleen5 / Via twitter.com

#11 This guy lied about the whole “never been worn” thing and got caught.

unknown / Via buzzfeed.com

#12 This woman was inspired by Hannah Montana and did this.

kennedymayes_ / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: kennedymayes_ / twitter.com