#1 This restaurant owner, who just gets it:

scott_atwell88 / Via twitter.com

#2 This inventive AirPod user:

elijahdaniel, TylerRugge / Via twitter.com

#3 And this fashionable AirPod user:

itsbeben11 / Via twitter.com

#4 This precocious Netflix watcher:

exploreasyraf / Via twitter.com

#5 This person who made a made charging station:

O7h13 / Via twitter.com

#6 This hot traveler:

LouisMend / Via twitter.com

#7 This hilarious selfie-taking couple:

mineifiwildout / Via twitter.com

#8 This clever editor:

ChuBoi / Via twitter.com

#9 This person who took hammock-ing to another level:

#10 This king napper:

#11 And this one, too:

#12 This nail artist:

#13 This almost real-life Aladdin:

#14 This genius online shopper:

#15 This incomparable photographer:

#16 This brilliant shader:

#17 And this hungry napper:

#18 And finally, this legend:

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: O7h13 / twitter.com, LouisMend / twitter.com