1. When you try to be someone you’re not

beckyvenus / Via twitter.com

2. When you begin to set a schedule

maggieisntcool / Via twitter.com

3. When you can’t hide the truth

CharCherette / Via twitter.com

4. When you hear something completely different

xforcades2 / Via twitter.com

5. When you’re trying to pull it together

ItsAdammm_ / Via twitter.com

6. When the criticism hits you deep

urvillageidiot / Via twitter.com

7. When you’re real invested

caprogers1920 / Via twitter.com

8. When you’re multifaceted

milkygoddess / Via twitter.com

9. When you feel too much

FunnyQuotees / Via twitter.com

10. When you’ve already got too much to deal with

SJSchauer / Via twitter.com

11. When every word takes on a life of its own

thellamellama / Via twitter.com

12. When you have to deal with the repercussions

SeanTwick / Via twitter.com

13. When you go from one extreme to the next

sexualgifs_ / Via twitter.com

14. When you’ve never related to a child more

verysmallriver / Via twitter.com

15. When you apologize one too many times

kingzyphree / Via twitter.com

16. When your friends find other friends

SarcasmProfile / Via twitter.com

17. When you say, “It’s fine,” BUT IT’S NOT

bducted / Via twitter.com

18. When all you want is for what you love to matter

ForrestSoko / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: SeanTwick / twitter