41. when i envisioned “living my best twentysomething life” i never thought it would involve so much canceling human plans to hang out with dogs @tessie_the_mess

42. A big part of adulthood for me has been a diminishing enjoyment of croutons. @joshgondelman

43. I’m 23 and I still think of the future as “when I grow up.” @WhatSheSees

44. So much of being an adult is just not clicking the “Send” button @GloriaFallon123

45. you know you’re getting old when people your age are having babies on purpose @_viibbe

me: *watches 3 videos at once while listening to Spotify and downloading 17 files*
me: why the fuck is this piece of trash computer so slow @MattBellassai

47. I don’t need birthdays to tell me I’m getting older, my growing love of accent tables is enough. @chelsea_davison

48. when the bills keep piling up @SoCuteKittens

age 18: who’s this 23 year old asshole
age 23: who’s this 18 year old asshole
age 30: who’s this 29 year old asshole @tarashoe

50. They remade my favorite movie and it looks horrible but I’m not angry. I may finally be approaching adulthood. @kevinseccia

51. Getting older is the sudden realization that you have a crush on the cop dad of The Flash instead of The Flash. @Kendragarden

52. How I’m dealing with being an adult: @katiebugosaurus

53. weirdest part of adulthood is the transition from wanting to conquer the world to being crazy impressed when one of ur friends buys a condo @bromanconsul

54. “where do you see yourself in five years” @mariasherm

55. u know ur gettin kinda old and becoming an adult when you sigh at teenagers @ofmydisguise

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