Lisa Lane

We have a German Shepherd, a breed infamous for their toxic farts. Their flatus is the type that will wake you from a dead sleep, lungs burning, paint peeling, fearing for your life & afraid that the EPA will arrive soon to demolish your entire putrid fart-contaminated house. Our male GSD, Sebastian, is a stout 95–100 pounds and has always had a problem with flatulence, the silent/deadly type.

I see the top suggestion was to raise their bowls. Good suggestion. But, for our champion farter, not enough. We have raised his bowls. I think they’ve always been that way. Changing diet is also key. Usually cheap food with lots of fillers is the worst.

Corn is REALLY bad, in general, for dogs. We discovered that foods high in carbs make Sebastian particularly gassy. We’ve put him on grain-free kibble & supplement with high-quality treats.Sometimes he gets freshly cooked chicken with no seasoning, plain rice and a few raw carrots. (BTW: Canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling, is really good for a dog’s upset stomach. We keep 2 cans on stock in the pantry in case it’s ever needed. It works great for nausea, diarrhea & more.) Fully raw diets are all the rage, but our veterinarian told us that it may not necessarily be the right thing for your individual dog.

Raw beef does not help with gas anyway. I repeat, raw beef does NOT help with gas! We actually ventured into the whole raw diet thing. It made Sebastian vomit. Bad. We then had partially-digested raw beef & chicken all over the living room floor, mixed with veggies. I was traumatized! I digress…

Anyway, there are many things to do to help with gas. Raising the food bowl and changing the diet are probably the two most effective. Dogs can NOT take simethicone (Gas-X), so please don’t try it. We’ve considered putting a cork up in there, but decided we didn’t want to ruin perfectly good corks. (sarcasm)

I think Sebastian knows I’m talking about him. Lol!

He still has the occasional spell of gas. It’s horrible and putrid when it happens, but it’s much less often now. He can even stay in the house when company is here!

Mercedes R. Lackey

We actually had 100% success, not with changing our dog’s diet, but with this—

It’s an elevated dog bowl. It seems that a lot of large breed dogs (Xito was a 95 lb German Shepherd) gulp down a lot of air with their food when bowls are on the floor. By elevating the bowls you stop that, and stop the farts. So if your dog is bigger than about 30 lbs, I’d suggest trying this.

Seriously, until we got these bowls, Xito’s farts violated the Geneva Convention on toxic gas warfare.

via Quora