#1 Buying enough food for a whole freakin’ party…for just you:

babyrabies / Via twitter.com

#2 Using your pool floatie as a pregnancy pillow:

jen.norgaard / Via instagram.com

#3 Keeping all the snacks right in your nightstand:

seonaidnichols / Via instagram.com

#4 Using office supplies to keep your pants from busting open:

mrstatergun / Via instagram.com

#5 And satisfying all of your cravings, no matter how crazy they might sound:

RougeLikeGirl / Via twitter.com

#6 Making up phrases about food that only pregnant people would understand:

marlaneto / Via twitter.com

#7 Realizing that pregnancy ni*ples take on minds of their own:

baka_yidee / Via twitter.com

#8 Using your pregnancy to get out of going to work:

m_scandy / Via instagram.com

#9 Using pretty much all of the pillows in the house to make yourself comfortable:

kauaijoy / Via instagram.com

#10 Eating the portions of food that you want and leaving the rest:

schnazzynaz / Via instagram.com

#11 Waking up with really late night cravings:

Gamma_Isis / Via twitter.com

#12 Not worrying about how you look with your jeans unbuttoned, because…pregnant belly, y’all:

gracie_prend / Via twitter.com

#13 Doing whatever you have to for your favorite snack:

mrsjlrussell / Via instagram.com

#14 Taking full advantage of that maternity parking spot while your partner loads the groceries:

cecwaggs / Via instagram.com

#15 Throwing some potato chips in your s’mores for an extra crunch:

gretchkins / Via instagram.com

#16 Sleeping whenever and wherever you want:

akidna / Via twitter.com

And eating all the foods and being totally unapologetic about it:

socalfamilylife / Via instagram.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: mrsjlrussell / instagram.com