1. These kids toilets in a London museum whose sinks slope to cater for progressively shorter children.

cuttyranking / Via reddit.com

2. A “Ballot Bin” outside a theater in Bradford, UK

Selasse / Via reddit.com

3. The table at this pub has a well in the middle of it.

This pub table that’s been built over an old well.
TeddyTeey / Via reddit.com

4. British coins can be assembled into the Royal Coat of Arms

garprice05 / Via reddit.com

5. This old British telephone box is now a defibrillator station

pimack / Via reddit.com

6. The new £10 notes in Britain have Braille in the top corners

reapgivencoins / Via reddit.com

7. Found this old telephone box repurposed as a book exchange/library.

zenophonic / Via reddit.com

8. This bench is made from a curled-up paving stone.

MadDanWithABox / Via reddit.com

9. This Telephone Box is Actually a Functioning Urinal Complete With A Sink.

LegendaryKarlos / Via reddit.com

10. In the UK the local post box gets painted gold if a local wins gold at the Olympics.

tombola201uk / Via reddit.com

11. I found this ceiling light full of rubber ducks in a pub in Edinburgh.

mALLIC2k6 / Via reddit.com

12. This train has an information screen which shows how full each carriage is.

Aquilaro / Via reddit.com

13. My bank lets you borrow an umbrella if it’s raining

GrinitD / Via reddit.com

14. The hole punched in my train ticket was in the shape of a train

Sierra117_ / Via reddit.com

15. Bar in Manchester, UK with N64s at every table.

AKH4 / Via reddit.com

16. London bar served my girlfriend’s cocktail in a levitating glass

beanyburger / Via reddit.com

More info: r/mildlyinteresting, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: reapgivencoins / reddit, tombola201uk / reddit