1. This dad who should have paid more attention to what he was eating

freepopper / Via reddit.com

2. This dad who got angry while making pizza

Peri-snot / Via reddit.com

3. How my dad cuts cake.

I_AM_NORMAL_HUMAN / Via reddit.com

4. My dads disastrous attempt at baking a cake.

Stoner10220 / Via reddit.com

5. My dad baked a cake for my sister’s 26th birthday.

_Gizmo_ / Via reddit.com

6. This dad who tried his best to make a life change

drugorexic / Via reddit.com

7. This dad who was forced to improvise a napkin

senatorfain / Via twitter.com

8. My dad made Canada flag pancakes for Canada day

vivthefish / Via reddit.com

9. My dad put the shells mixed in with the uneaten pistachios

TheUniqueFiness / Via reddit.com

10. The way my dad eats pancakes

quantanaut / Via reddit.com

11. The way my dad cut this pizza

NussTheGod / Via reddit.com

And this dad who sliced a pie like this

shweppsyy / Via reddit.com

12. This dad who has a strange breakfast habit

leftnewdigg2 / Via reddit.com

13. This dad who is an absolute monster

NutellaIsDelicious / Via reddit.com

14. This dad who had a weird definition of hamburgers

ul2006kevinb / Via reddit.com

15. My Dads meal he saved in the fridge. Behold! A piece of potato and one mussel on a slice of bread with a slice of cheese.

jamez01nz / Via reddit.com

16. My dad tried to bake a cake for my mum’s birthday. Tried.

kingfisherman999 / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: Peri-snot / reddit, freepopper / reddit