#1 Born to do skate

CatrionaBlack / Via twitter.com

#2 Hood on vs. hood off

m_delacour / Via reddit.com

#3 So if you didn’t see the front…?

LodlopSeputhChakk / Via reddit.com

#4 This lovely dress….

clhomme / Via reddit.com

#5 This lady’s dress while interviewing South Africa’s president

JohnnyJohnCowboyMan / Via reddit.com

#6 Buy me a what now?

officialbee / Via reddit.com

#7 A real housewives dress “design.”

OMG__Ponies / Via reddit.com

#8 Hmmm the shirts are supporting the idea that the name is flawed.

sdgallagher / Via reddit.com

#9 These shoes with suction cups on the bottom that pop when I walk on smooth surfaces.

pateOrade / Via reddit.com

#10 Yeah definitely wouldn’t wear that

thegoatiedoodie / Via reddit.com

#11 These tights that make you look like you have the worst bruise situation ever

misterbrista / Via reddit.com

#12 The backside of this donut costume…

miketutaj / Via reddit.com

#13 The placement of these rather saggy bunny ears…

meglizf / Via reddit.com

#14 Children’s shirt in a candy shop…

newlifewhodis223 / Via reddit.com

#15 This saTURDay sweater.

MelancholyDrugs / Via .com

#16 If only there was a letter that resembles the Eiffel Tower

DebaiHanns / Via reddit.com

#17 Putting your brown logo on white shoes

tofuwa / Via reddit.com

#18 For those empowered girls with 11 fingers

Sarcasticaleigh / Via reddit.com

#19 At least you can be honest…

ricetomeatya / Via reddit.com

#20 This is an official Nintendo product. You know, for kids.

Tanooki’s Stuff / Via flickr.com

Via BoredPanda, Preview photo credit: m_delacour / reddit.com