#1 Anemia

Lost in Translation / Focus Features
Anemia means a lack of iron in the body. It leads to a small production of healthy red blood cells. Therefore, tissues are deprived of oxygen and you’re left feeling tired and without energy.

Other symptoms:
heavy muscles
shortness of breath
pale, yellowish skin

#2 Diabetes

House / Fox
Diabetes occurs due to the fact that the body uses insulin in the wrong way or produces it in insufficient quantities. Because of this, the blood sugar level rises dramatically. Severe fatigue is one of the signs of diabetes.

Other symptoms:
an increase in hunger and thirst
dry skin
weight loss

#3 Hypothyroidism

Lost in Translation / Focus Features
Problems with the thyroid gland mean there is little production of thyroid hormones. These hormones are responsible for the energy and function of the body. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the processes in the organism slow down. As a result, you may feel tired.

Other symptoms:
weight gain
muscle weakness

#4 Celiac disease

Before I Go to Sleep / Scott Free Productions
This disease (celiac disease) is caused by the body’s abnormal reaction to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in cereals. If you do not feel well after eating bread or cookies, then you may have celiac disease.

Other symptoms:
weight loss

#5 Restless legs syndrome

Mr. Nobody / Magnolia Pictures
This nervous system condition causes you to move your legs during sleep. Your legs jerk spontaneously which disrupts your sleep and impairs its quality. As a result, you may feel tired.

Other symptoms:
tingling in the legs and arms
pain in the legs and arms

#6 Primary biliary cholangitis

Fight Club / 20th Century Fox
This is a disease where the bile ducts of the liver become destroyed. Bile is supposed to remove harmful substances from our bodies such as toxins, cholesterol, and worn-out blood cells. But when there’s damage to the ducts, these unhealthy elements accumulate in the liver. Fatigue is one of the signs of the development of this liver disease.

Other symptoms:
dry eyes

#7 Sleep apnea

The Insult / Cohen Media Group
Apnea is a condition when the airways are blocked during sleep and you stop breathing. These pauses can last up to 20 seconds and occur several hundred times per night. This leads to awakening followed by falling asleep again.

You can even forget that you woke up. But as a result of such frequent awakenings, the quality of sleep deteriorates and you can feel tired during the day.

Other symptoms:
loud snorting and snoring
noisy breathing

#8 Alzheimer’s disease

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy / Spyglass Entertainment
Recently, researchers have discovered that drowsiness may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. They established a connection between daytime sleepiness and beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain. Such accumulations are observed with the development of Alzheimer’s. This means that feeling tired during the day may be an early sign of this disease.

Other symptoms:
short term memory loss

#9 Chronic fatigue syndrome

Supernatural / The CW
If you feel drowsiness for 3-4 months, then you may have chronic fatigue syndrome. This exhaustion increases after exertion. This condition may develop after you’ve had a virus or traumatic experience.

Other symptoms:
joint pain
muscle pain
headaches and poor concentration

If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t rush to conclusions and make a diagnosis yourself. Be sure to consult with your doctor and pass the necessary examinations.

Via BrightSide, Preview photo credit: Lost in Translation / Focus Features