There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognized by psychologists.

There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognized by psychologists.

Some fairly common specific phobias are:

Animal phobias. Such as dogs, insects, snakes or rodents.
Phobias of the natural environment. Such as heights, water, darkness, storms or germs.
Situational phobias. Such as flying, going to the dentist, tunnels, small spaces or escalators.
Body-based phobias. Such as blood, vomit, injections, choking, medical procedures or childbirth.
Sexual phobias. Such as sexual acts or fear of nudity.
Other phobias. Such as certain foods, objects or costumed characters.

However, your phobia can be a completely unique experience. There are many more specific phobias than those listed above.
