Over 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.

Over 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.

One of the biggest issues plaguing the bra industry today is the fact that there are no standardized bra sizes. Between different styles of bras, different wires, cup layouts, and more, trying to find a bra that fits you exactly how you want it to fit can be like finding a needle in a haystack. It begs the question: how do bra sizes work, and what exactly is a proper bra fit?

One problem that many women have is that they simply don’t know what their bra is supposed to feel like. Many women aren’t sure where the straps of their bra are supposed to rest, where the band of the bra is supposed to be located around their back, or even where the chest plate between the breasts was supposed to lie.

These factors are all major players in the proper bra fit game, and yet not many women can give you a solid, sure answer. This is because bras between brands can often change, so the size or fit that you may be in a bra for one brand is not necessarily the case if you’re looking at another company. This lack of standardization makes it extremely difficult for women to accurately predict their bra size from store to store, leaving many women wearing the “wrong” size.
