Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you're more likely to find one in your bedroom.

Research shows that if you’re afraid of spiders, you’re more likely to find one in your bedroom.

Arachnophobia is an extreme and overwhelming fear of arachnids, most commonly spiders. Some people with arachnophobia only fear spiders, whereas others fear all arachnids, including spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions and daddy longlegs. Someone with arachnophobia will likely experience intense, overwhelming and irrational fear, anxiety or panic when faced with a spider or other arachnids.

Arachnophobia can result in avoidance behaviours, whereby a person avoids certain places or situations to reduce the risk of them encountering a spider. For example, they may avoid spending time outdoors or any events associated with Halloween. Avoidance behaviours can negatively impact their social life and their relationships, as well as their ability to carry out everyday tasks.
