1. This baker who rebelled and then paid for it.

CreeperReaperX / Via reddit.com

2. This baker who did this poor frog.

SurplusSix / Via reddit.com

3. This baker who basically murdered Jigglypuff

moxtwelve / Via reddit.com

4. This baker who transformed Kermit into KermNOT.

petunia777 / Via reddit.com

5. This baker who took the easy route.

aggadoo / Via reddit.com

6. This baker who gave Frosty a makeunder.

ellenuttley / Via reddit.com

7. This baker who will be receiving a cease and desist from Kylie herself.

kippielynn / Via reddit.com

8. This baker who I’m sure made a delicious pie underneath that…thing.

Nickyrosee / Via reddit.com

9. No. 1 Player.

TheClarkFactor / Via reddit.com

10. This baker who basically insulted cats everywhere.

I wanted a cake that looked like my cat…it was a fail but it’s still pretty cute.
thehellsbelle / Via reddit.com

11. This baker who needs to put this cake pop out of its misery.

ExtremeCryptographer / Via reddit.com

12. This baker who tried their best

kyandian / Via reddit.com

13. This baker who created something explosive.

jesscuhman / Via imgur.com

14. This baker who tried to become Martha Stewart but didn’t quite get it.

duffcalifornia / Via reddit.com

15. This baker who’s secretly the Grinch.

CheezyBob / Via reddit.com

16. This baker who really brought out the “monster” in Monster’s Inc.

Appropriate_Buyer / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: CheezyBob / Reddit