1. If you see something DROWNING, lol

RooskieCuck / Via reddit.com

2. This beer and wine sign that will inspire a hardcore night of sobriety.

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

3. This sign that’s really sad if it’s supposed to be taken literally.

JaromirAzarov / Via imgur.com

4. This cautionary sign that’s protecting the technology that will affect us all.

jaromirazarov / Via imgur.com

5. This sign that couldn’t be placed by a worse flavor of Pop-Tarts.

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

6. This convenience store that’s offensive AF

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

7. This restaurant that I would assume has a horrible rating.

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

8. This sign that is mistakenly exposing fragile masculinity.

LongGreasyDi*k / Via imgur.com

9. This gas station you should probably steer clear from.

20jlamorticella / Via imgur.com

10. This book store where everything is more than likely affordable.

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

11. This road that’s contradicting itself by its existence alone.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

12. This…

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

13. This Petco that only has fish.

custumz / Via imgur.com

14. This sign that’s really considerate of children that are feeling a little gassy.

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

15. This massage place that can’t possibly be legal.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

16. This sign that’s silently catcalling you as you walk up the street.

custumz / Via imgur.com

17. This perverse family restaurant.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

18. This emergency and trauma center sign that makes more sense now that a couple neon letters went out.

custumz / Via imgur.com

19. This Wendy’s that probably needs investigation.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

20. This flavor of bagel that’s only for the adventurous…

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

21. This store that’s working over-overtime.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

22. This Target that should be arrested for advertising to minors.

firecracker0418 / Via imgur.com

23. This flavor of cake that no one really has the palate or stomach for.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

24. This holiday gift that keeps on giving.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

25. These signs that are clearly not on the same page.

firecracker0418 / Via imgur.com

26. This sign for a toilet that was built for a very specific demographic.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

27. This showroom logo that needs redesigning.

vanderbeam / Via imgur.com

28. This sign that is the manifestation of the idiom, “beating a dead horse.”

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

29. This extremely thorough rule for employees.

Acole2000 / Via imgur.com

30. This really confusing sign for anyone driving in the right lane.

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

31. This McDonald’s that has clearly given up on advertising.

Acole2000 / Via imgur.com

32. I got it!!

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

33. This really visible place to get a prostate exam.


34. No smoking in this area

EmperorElephant / Via imgur.com

35. This srcppy Playground area

MisleadingUsernames / Via imgur.com

H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: custumz / imgur, RooskieCuck / reddit