#1 The blue tint of this plane’s window that makes it look like they’re under water.

Enoughrose / Via reddit.com

#2 The sunlight hitting this block of cheese to make it look rainbow-colored.

beetlecakes / Via reddit.com

#3 This shot of the sky through these windows that appears to show two different sunsets.

BiviK / Via reddit.com

#4 The water’s reflection on this trampoline that makes it look invisible.

huntermanhlh / Via reddit.com

#5 This flower’s petals that look like a galaxy exists within ‘em.

gravem / Via reddit.com

#6 The distorted looking center of this stack of metal pipes.

Lenity / Via reddit.com

#7 This fan that looks like a blade is missing because it blends in so well with the ceiling.

cttaft / Via reddit.com

#8 The inside of this rock that looks like the ocean.

nichs_ / Via reddit.com

#9 The pole in this photo that makes it look like two different pictures.

morphdarko / Via reddit.com

#10 The sunlight sneaking through the blinds and hitting this poster in a way that makes it look like a UFO’s beam.

MidnightDrag / Via reddit.com

#11 These cars that coincidentally parked dark to light and look like a grayscale.

KKBrawler / Via reddit.com

#12 These two dogs that stood next to each other and made it look like they’d merged together.

NegativePitch / Via reddit.com

#13 The reflection of this door’s window that looks like a portal to a parallel universe.

embracingfit / Via reddit.com

#14 This picture of a lake taken through binoculars, making it look like a planet.

bob202t / Via reddit.com

#15 The swan in the background of this photo that looks like it’s protruding from the other swan’s head.

Im_DIzE / Via reddit.com

#16 This shot of a snowy night that caught someone else’s camera flash, creating this split screen look.

madforfeijoa / Via reddit.com

More info r/mildlyinteresting, H/T , Preview photo credit: huntermanhlh / reddit.com, MidnightDrag / reddit.com