1. When you’re listening to a song and all of sudden the lyrics start getting way too real

dragreactions / instagram.com

2. When Google Maps says you’ve arrived at your destination

heavyvanilla / instagram.com

3. When you have this panic-inducing moment at a public restroom

drgrayfang / instagram.com

4. When you have trouble sleeping all night and this inevitably happens

heavyvanilla / instagram.com

5. When you know the weather might be crap, but you think you have a 50/50 chance of not getting caught in it

lvcifers_revenge / instagram.com

6. When you stalk your Uber Eats order

humor_me_pink / instagram.com

7. Any time you’re driving and this victorious moment happens

humor_me_pink / instagram.com

8. When you literally forget something immediately after you were told

honey.demon / instagram.com

9. When you’re trying to budget and save money, but then have a “treat yo’ self” moment when your direct deposit hits

unknown / buzzfeed

10. When a couple gets into a fight and you’re pretending to mind your own business

shadyblunts / instagram.com

11. When you have this brain fart moment

tank.sinatra / instagram.com

12. When you try to sleep until noon and this happens

shadyblunts / instagram.com

13. When you spend 13 hours lounging around doing nothing and somehow still feel super exhausted

carolynduchene / instagram.com

14. When your bank account decides your Friday night plans for you

djgritz1 / instagram.com

15. Any time you take an aspirin

djgritz1 / instagram.com

16. When you realize you left your phone in the other room while you’re on the john

the_mermaid_lagoon / instagram.com

Hahaha Tide Pods and Ugandan knuckles…wait what do they mean again? Asking for a friend

adam.the.creator / instagram.com

Via BuzzFeed