1. When you betray every other color

vampiregaI / Via twitter.com

2. When you’re sick of being questioned

StevStiffler / Via twitter.com

3. When you have a good comeback

darkmalignant / Via twitter.com

4. When you repeat yourself

betchesluvthis / Via twitter.com

5. When you dispel rumors

BlackAltar / Via twitter.com

6. When you spend a full hour getting dressed

jillpearcee / Via twitter.com

7. When you find commonalities with others

wjhanley72 / Via twitter.com

8. When your love of pets disagrees with your clothing

SessaHarris / Via twitter.com

9. When you know there’s variety

raph_gabriel / Via twitter.com

10. When people underestimate you

corriasmith / Via twitter.com

11. When you get into the holiday spirit

possum_witch / Via twitter.com

12. When black isn’t an option so you go all in

Deshasuxx / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: darkmalignant / twitter