#1 The person who installed these very useful stairs:

MemeB0i69 / Via reddit.com

#2 The person who designed these salt and pepper shakers that aren’t confusing at all:

ZappBrannigansLaw / Via reddit.com

#3 Whoever decided this was the perfect place to stock the shampoo:

GeollandFraser / Via reddit.com

#4 Whoever designed this:

Twillix13 / Via reddit.com

#5 The person who built this door to nowhere:

Ice_walow_pis / Via reddit.com

#6 Whoever installed this window with a gorgeous view:

NananLu / Via reddit.com

#7 Whoever put up this very secure gate:

SoupHam5 / Via reddit.com

#8 This person who doesn’t want you to have hot water:

purplexspongecake / Via reddit.com

#9 Whoever built this very spacious drawer:

Aaron170 / Via reddit.com

#10 Whoever thought this would be easy to discern in an early morning commute:

ElectroIsland / Via reddit.com

#11 The person that made this very accessible ramp:

Pxelchen / Via reddit.com

#12 The person that didn’t consider the placement of this pole:

reddideddi / Via reddit.com

#13 Whoever decided this was a great place for a desk:

foul-owl / Via reddit.com

#14 Whoever thought this was the perfect place for a basketball court:

thenitramo99 / Via reddit.com

#15 The person who decided this was an adequate parking space:

Lateralus712 / Via reddit.com

#16 Whoever built this swing set that’s perfect for knocking out your friend:

etthat / Via reddit.com

#17 Whoever thought this made for a perfectly safe bike lane:

EmilThe1 / Via reddit.com

#18 Whoever made this bottle that’s very easy to measure with:

yourightimwrong / Via reddit.com

And lastly, whoever thought “yeah, good enough” and installed this cabinet:

MamaBiird91 / Via reddit.com

More info: r/CrappyDesign, H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: MemeB0i69 / reddit.com, Lateralus712 / reddit.com