#1 This is just regular 2D graffiti…it only ~looks~ like it’s 3D.

MikkelMoller / Via reddit.com

#2 The inside of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is mostly hollow.


#3 This is a regular park, but the painted-on lines give it a crazy perspective.

etymologynerd / Via reddit.com

#4 This is how big (some) wolves are

britweins / Via reddit.com

#5 There are people alive today who can say, “My grandpa was the 10th President of the United States.”

mattsmethurst / Via twitter.com

#6 This is how some people would wake themselves up before alarm clocks:

chocolat_ice_cream / Via reddit.com

#7 Or they would hire a “knocker-upper,” like Mary Smith (pictured here), who would shoot frozen peas at people’s windows to wake them up for work.

primal-chaos / public domain / primal-chaos / Via reddit.com

#8 This is how much Shanghai, China, changed over just 20 years:

brainlessbach / Via reddit.com

#9 This is how the auroras of Jupiter and Saturn look, compared to Earth’s:

nixonico / Via reddit.com

#10 A capital G with a serif looks like a spinning arrow.

tymonvandor / Via reddit.com

#11 And I bet you never noticed that the letter A looks like a sharpened pencil.

erinlakee / Via twitter.com

#12 These two photos are exactly the same — taken from the same angle, have the same crop, and contain the same pixels — but the second one still looks different.

djeclipz / Via reddit.com

#13 This is a real sculpture in New Zealand.

It’s called “Horizons” by artist Neil Dawson, and it’s made out of huge pieces of sculpted metal.
Nita / 33356155@N05 / Via flickr.com

#14 It’s polished so well that the surface is practically a mirror.

It’s polished so well that the surface is practically a mirror.
Sprok56 / Via reddit.com

#15 There’s a truck on the left side of this photo.

Silentwisdom91 / Via reddit.com

#16 If you go to practically any Wikipedia article and click on the first link that isn’t in parentheses (and repeat several times) you will almost always end up on the page for “Philosophy.”

This works about 97% of the time, and while there are theories, nobody is exactly sure why.

#17 This is how big moose are

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: etymologynerd / reddit.com, Sprok56 / reddit.com