Why do all people over the age of 40 have that phone case that opens like a book
astmais / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 put “…” after EVERYTHING
whorrerx / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 45 have their phone ringtones on the loudest volume? Or on at all? My phone has been on vibrate since 2010.
JenM623 / Via twitter.com

Why does every person over the age of 40 think it’s okay to scroll through your photos when showing them a picture
saucerton / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 think they need to yell into the phone in order for me to be able to hear them
sierramedi / Via twitter.com

WHY does everyone over the age of 40 CAPITALIZE random WORDS in everything they POST?
LaChicaGringa / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 insist on using voice to text for every single thing?
IHateCarleen / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 feel the need to leave a voicemail when you dont answer the phone??? Sent a text ya nelly
lowriswygartt / Via twitter.com


FunnyQuotees / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 pronounce Chipotle “Chi-pol-tay” instead of “Chi-pot-lay”
mattyem_30 / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 keep their keypad sounds on so you can hear them texting
megadoob / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 zoom in when they take pictures
KelseyBayless / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 refer to turning on a laptop as “booting up”
marytturk / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 call every picture a “screenshot”
Jace_Briggs / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 think that having holes in your jeans is so funny
Gabigail22 / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 double click on links online?
BenNesvig / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 pronounce mature as matoor
ChasodyF / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 need to read whatever your t-shirt says
dancater15 / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 45 automatically take 10 minutes to use the ATM
DylanOstrowski / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 text with short, incomplete sentences like they’re sending a telegram.
sherrifdumbass / Via twitter.com

Dear google, why does everyone over the age of 40 order tomato juice while on the plane? what am i missing? please respond asap. xox
Lilah_O / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 hold their phone with 2 hands
mattiethelattie / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 40 swipe their phone screen with their index finger
AntonyHickeyy / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 comment on Facebook photos like they’re a cyborg
“Wow what a great view of the Chicago river!”
plyons95 / Via twitter.com

Why does everyone over the age of 50 love coleslaw?
_amberlynnwhite / Via twitter.com

Can somebody explain…???

Via tinyfoxlab, Preview photo credit: FunnyQuotees / twitter.com