#1 Shampoo and shower gel filling machines have been recently introduced in the Czech Republic. People can refill their empty bottles instead of buying a new one every time.

lucie.ouradova / Via instagram.com, novinky.cz

#2 Some grocers are using banana leaves as an alternative way to package without plastic.

pr0digalnun / Via reddit.com

#3 A store sells shirts made from plastic bottles and shows how they were made.

AutumnBegins / Via reddit.com

#4 A machine that lets you fill your own containers with water.

only_bc_4chan_isdown / Via reddit.com

#5 In 2016, France passed a law that forbids supermarkets to throw away edible food. Instead, they donate unsold food to charity.

Banques Alimentaires / Via facebook.com

#6 This super market had tiny paper bags instead of plastic containers to reduce waste.

treanegno / Via reddit.com

#7 A store was opened in Denmark where you can buy food with a shelf life that’s near its expiration date or products in damaged packaging with a discount of 30%-50%. The store’s profits go to charity.

Wefood Amager / Via facebook.com

#8 This movie theater collects popcorn for local farms.

konronbonbon / Via reddit.com

#9 Here’s what 362 lbs. of recovered food waste looks like. Instead of getting tossed into a dumpster, this food was donated to local homeless shelters and will be used to provide over 400 meals to those in need

StopHunger / Via reddit.com

#10 European stores are switching from ordinary stickers to laser marks on fruits and vegetables.

glatteis / Via reddit.com, Laser Food / Via facebook.com

#11 KitKats in Japan have started changing their packaging from plastic to paper.

Mishishi_Kiseki / Via reddit.com

#12 In a Belgian store, you can cut a bar of soap and solid shampoo instead of buying a plastic bottle.


#13 Adidas launches 11 million sneakers made from recycled plastic per year. Each pair reuses 11 plastic bottles.

Parley for the Oceans / Via facebook.com

#14 Finnish startup, Sulapac invented material from wood chips and glue from which you can make containers for cosmetics. It is quite durable and biodegradable.

Sulapac / Via facebook.com

#15 56 million used coffee capsules are thrown away per year. Startup Velosophy makes bikes from recycled Nespresso coffee capsules.

Vélosophy / Via facebook.com

#16 Zero Waste Confetti in Seasonal Colors.

bea_johnson / Via reddit.com

#17 A student came up with a brilliant idea of making cheap and durable plastic which is made of potato starch and water and will decompose in 2 months. You can also make dishes and packaging from it.


#18 Our world is changing. I always take fabric bags with me when going to the store, and if a year ago people looked at me in a strange way, now they ask me where I bought these bags.

Annypooh3 / Via twitter.com

More info: r/ZeroWaste, H/T BrightSide, Preview photo credit: lucie.ouradova / instagram.com, AutumnBegins / reddit.com