1. What’s this store’s policy?

ebizzle0415 / Via reddit.com

2. I have so many questions for whoever made this sign at my work

skididdle / Via reddit.com

3. So… there’s “nothing” in this cabinet?

HauntedFurniture / Via reddit.com

4. Now I’m uncomfortable

Sumthing_Vague / Via reddit.com

5. “Sandra” planning something…

linuxfingers / Via reddit.com

6. The authorities have got wise to our “Dance Parties”

HauntedFurniture / Via reddit.com

7. Please DON’T

mangoed / Via reddit.com

8. Uhm..

houtaroo / Via reddit.com

9. I see how it is.

botness / Via reddit.com

10. What else would we do in the bathroom?

HillarysPornAccount / Via reddit.com

11. The quotes were even added afterward with a marker

thezachneumann / Via reddit.com

12. I’d rather not touch the ‘rock’, thanks

HauntedFurniture / Via reddit.com

13. So is it 21 or not?

justminick / Via reddit.com

14. What service?

ctyw / Via reddit.com

15. I don’t know what to expect.

robotNumberOne / Via reddit.com

16. What kind of “service”?

rysterf / Via reddit.com

17. I guess I am supposed to steal them?

P10_WRC / Via reddit.com

18. Thank “you” police!

Yodel-In-The-Dark / Via reddit.com

19. What on God’s Earth does this man want from us?

Gumfondle / Via reddit.com

20. Oh no Timmy….

pancakegalaxy / Via reddit.com

H/T BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: ebizzle0415 / reddit, thezachneumann / reddit