True gen z culture is getting into a fight w someone and still sending them streaks
alicemadock / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is discussing very serious or important personal topics with each other while having the silliest usernames
woomyve / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is bonding over using the same anxiety meds
notgarycooper_ / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is live tweeting ur mental breakdown
merritthon / Via twitter.com

Gen Z Culture is changing your bitmoji’s outfit to match the season
case_a_base_ / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is self deprecating jokes
strssdbtch / Via twitter.com

Gen Z culture is silently laughing when someone says “future history books” cause u know the human race ain’t gonna last that long
Lapointyy / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is having multiple conversations with the same person on different platforms
ThatEdgyTwat / Via twitter.com

I got in an air drop meme war with some rando on the train this is peak Gen Z culture
erinproct / Via twitter.com

My 14 year old sister crying as she sings Minecraft revenge is peak gen z culture
neveasaurusrex / Via twitter.com

Gen Z culture is automatically associating Total Eclipse of the Heart with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie
rebelheartraven / Via twitter.com

Gen Z culture is still considering yourself a child at the age of 23
Zach_Howatt / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is adding “haha” to a serious text to make it less threatening
huntx99 / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is saying “i wanna die” and instead of your friends trying to make you feel better they all go “same”
emilyybernall / Via twitter.com

Gen Z/millennial culture is telling everyone you meet that you’re gay and/or depressed within 30 seconds of meeting
jjjjjenjen / Via twitter.com

Gen Z gay culture is dressing up as David Bowie for Halloween without fully hearing a word of his music
Calgrimbo / Via twitter.com

Gen z culture is literally having to explain every word that comes out of your mouth to your parents because you use internet/gay slang without realizing
goblin_grrl / Via twitter.com

Millennial and gen z culture is only giving your uber and lyft drivers a rating below 5 if you almost died
EFFLORESCENE / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: strssdbtch / twitter.com