#1 You know what’s inside those long lighters you use for candles? A plain old regular lighter.

socsa / Via reddit.com

#2 Here’s the weight that’s placed inside bowling balls:

elmielmosong / Via reddit.com

#3 Ever wondered what the inside of a tube of toothpaste looks like?

byRHSin / Via twitter.com

#4 Or been curious about what’s inside your can of shaving cream?

ned883 / Via reddit.com

#5 Here’s what a bowling pin looks like after you strip away the outer layer:

ErmahgerdMerker / Via reddit.com

#6 How about the inside of a gas pump?

LoIIip0p / Via reddit.com

#7 Or a remote control?

goodcitymaadkid / Via reddit.com

#8 Or the inside of a Keurig cup?

Thepunk28 / Via reddit.com

#9 Did you know that pinball machines have a tracker inside that counts how many times the game has been played?

FresherUnderPressure / Via reddit.com

#10 Did you know that slap bracelets are made from old tape measures?

ryanispiper / Via reddit.com

#11 And did you know that US quarters have insides, too? They’re copper-colored!

IReadItOnReddit69 / Via reddit.com

#12 If you crack open a Magic 8 Ball, this is the die you’ll find inside:

MC_USS_Valdez / Via reddit.com

#13 Ever been curious what would happen if you took a baseball apart?

chirpinchirpin / Via reddit.com

#14 If you’ve ever wondered what that noise is when you shake a can of spray paint, it’s this:

Nocturnal_Majesty / Via reddit.com

#15 Did you know how big fire hydrants actually are once you take them out of the ground?

TexasBullets / Via reddit.com

#16 If you’ve ever wondered what’s inside a Jawbreaker, here you go:

BraydenWilmarth / Via twitter.com

#17 Have you ever stopped to consider what all those tissues look like when they’re inside the box?

dgoldstein38 / Via reddit.com

#18 Here’s what the inside of a soda dispenser looks like:

MrLozy8 / Via reddit.com

#19 How about the inside of a fire alarm — did you know it’s just a teeny lil’ switch?

Silentwisdom91 / Via reddit.com

#20 Here’s what the inside of a Cup of Noodles looks like:

UberFacts / Via twitter.com

#21 Did you know that many ropes are made from diapers?

michaelrayspencer / Via reddit.com

#22 Here are the innards of a pool table:

Adzz2707 / Via reddit.com

#23 This is what the inside of a Redbox machine looks like:

connorappleby / Via reddit.com

#24 The inside of a guitar kind of looks like a room you could hang out in:

Flashway1 / Via reddit.com

#25 If you cut open a soccer ball, here’s what you’ll find:

BalaSportUK / Via twitter.com

#26 Have you ever even thought about what’s inside a golf ball before?

Cladop / Via reddit.com

And finally, did you know that ATMs could open up like this? Now ya do!

Morktorknak / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: ned883 / reddit.com, chirpinchirpin / reddit.com